HBA Cares is a compassionate group of construction professionals who are improving our community by building up individuals, families & organizations with housing needs in Central Iowa.

HBA Cares Project Selection Criteria

Basic Criteria

  • The home or building must be owned and not rented/leased
  • The home or building must be clear of any Liens or Commencement of Work notices
  • The home or building may not be currently listed for sale or be listed within 12 months of project completion
  • The home or building must be current on mortgage and property taxes
  • The project must be in the Greater Des Moines Community

Non-Profit Organization Need

Organization must prove how the project will advance the mission of your organization

Home Owner Need

  • Project must fulfill a basic NEED (Determined by Selection Committee during pre-screening site visit)
  • Homeowner must prove a hardship prior to project selection

Owner’s Expectations

  • Owner will fully cooperate with build team on design and selections
  • Owner will be present and participate as much as possible during construction
  • Owner understands that unforeseen issues may arise during the build and will cooperate with any modifications during the project
  • Owner will grant access the property and provide electrical power and construction use water for the build team
  • All pets will be kept away from the work area
  • Neighbors will be notified of any exterior work taking place and make them aware of potential “construction noise.”
  • The area to be worked on will be cleaned prior to the build team arriving
  • Owners will need to work with he build team on gaining access to back yard projects

HBA Cares is a

group of construction professionals who are

by building up individuals, families, and organizations with

in Central Iowa.

by end of 2024

Board of Directors

Kirk Mickelsen
Jeff Ellis
John Murphy

Project applications will be accepted late 2024 to make an impact in the community in 2025.